With our oldest being five and a half, I suppose she is considered "kindergarden." Writing out our whole-child education goals in this way reminds us that she is "where she needs to be," educationally speaking. Generally, these are the five areas we see as our duty to provide opportunity and education in, remembering that the best way a child learns is by how the family lives. With all of the pressure I've been putting on myself to order programs for her, I needed this reminder about now, and so feel charged by having discerned and created this written program. Every family is different, and goals, needs, and methods will vary...and we are learning we cannot simply copy another family exactly. And so, this is unique to us, as it should be. Much of what is below is things we already do, but this will keep me accountable. I need that. I need routine and rhythm...I find peace in it. I have to be careful not to attempt to be rigid in schedule or to have too narrow of expectations, because that would be unrealistic (and honestly wouldn't last). I am happy with this program...I think it provides accountability and also flexibility when needed (as is evidenced by the daily routine I have elsewhere written, based on this program- but I will not share it here).
“Home-School” Goals for Summer and Fall 2011
Foster a love of:
1) God, the Sacraments, the Rosary, Mass:
a. Mass 2 weekdays each week (plus Sunday), visit Adoration chapel with kids (in addition to each of our weekly Holy Hours)
b. Daily Rosary (as family on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sat, Sun)
c. Morning Prayer together
d. Daily Angelus at noon
e. Confession every other Saturday
2) Family:
a. Bagel Sunday, cookout Sunday, Friday Movie night
b. Monday night and Saturday morning family pool
c. Celebrate Baptism days, family Rosaries
d. Find joy in our housework, continue to develop a sense of responsibility, follow the rhythm of each of our chores, and be willing to help each other.
e. Mom and Dad get date night 2 nights a week (staying in), and out once a month!
3) Books:
a. Read frequently- morning, afternoon, bedtime- don’t say “NO” to a request for reading time
b. Go to library every other week
c. Use reading as a tool to “cool-down” or have quiet time
d. Answer all of child's questions about letters, sounds, and words with patience as she begins to discover the code that is the written language.
4) Nature:
a. Nature walks- explore and observe (with magnifying glasses, sketch books, and all)
b. Nature center once a week
c. Make Nature sculptures
d. Tend to gardens, grow our vegetables and flowers
e. Water/outdoor fun: Go to pool, run in sprinkler
f. Take pleasure in pet rabbit ("Star") and pet fish (whose name I can't for the life of me remember what the kids named it...but I'm sure its something creative like "blue-purple fish")
5) Music, Art, and Creating:
a. Free-drawing, painting, creating
b. Listening to classical music, mention composers
c. Oldest child in violin lessons once a week
d. Cook together with the kids on Wednesday Nights
And while I'm here, I thought I'd share a picture of our Princess who just survived quite the ordeal (see the previous post). Thank you to everyone for your prayers and kind words!
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