Sunday, May 1, 2011

Daybook- Divine Mercy Sunday

I am wearing:
Jeans, short sleeve shirt, and a striped accent scarf. I'm sort of impressed with myself that I got up at 4:45 this morning and grabbing whatever I could find to wear still turned out to be a pretty decent outfit.

Ourside my window:
A temporarily quiet hospital piazza.

I am thinking:
About my darling daughter, there in the hospital bed, and how rough she's had it. It seems, though, that we've turned a corner and we expect to go home later this morning. Oh how happy that little girl will be to go home!

I am feeling:
Nothing can describd the sick feeling of a parent who has to watch their child suffer. Just thinking about what she's been through makes the memory rush over me....the memory of her crouched in pain, crying out, and yet pushing us away. She knew she hurt, but she didn't know how to make it better, and on some level she knew we couldn't make it better either. Oh how Mary must have suffered seeing her son in immense pain, and she couldn't run to him to make it better.

I am listening:To the now very familiar sound of an IV machine.

I am praying:
*For mercy.
*For continued patience as we transition our baby home and the rough road of recovery ahead. For Darling girl to heal swiftly.
*For an increased admiration for the life of Blessed John Paul the Great!
*For my Godson, with the shining soul fresh out of his first confession, and for his preparation for receiving Our Precious Lord in the Eucharist
*For my soon-to-be god-daughter, due to enter the bright world any day now (technically due next weekend)

I am grateful:
*For Divine Mercy!
*For dear friends who have gone out of their way to let us know about their prayers, concern, and support.
*For family who have gone out of their way to help this weekend, especially in the care of our other children during this time
*For coffee
*For a cheerful 11 month old who has coped so well with my absence (although her night nursing picked up when I went home to sleep this weekend!)
*For my 3 little girls and their amazing bond of sisterhood that is apparent this weekend- their love, support, and desire to share their experiences together.
*For a husband who has spend 2 nights "sleeping" (if you can call it that) in a chair next to a hospital bed.
*For the schedule of meals coming to us all week!
*For this blog and the inspiration to write in it....even if no one is reading it, it is helping me to type out my emotions, thoughts, and reflections.

I am creating:
Absolutely nothing- but once we're through this rough patch, I'm sure I'll think of something! I suppose that's not entirely true- I'm very poorly creating this blog post right now!

I am reading:
Still working on the "Life of Mary." Although, I have not had much time for that with all the reading of hospital papers going on around here.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you! Keep us posted on how little L. is improving. I'm sorry you all are going through a rough time. Love you! <3
